Thunderbird’s R/C Swap Meet

Thunderbirds RC Swap Meet - Kalamazoo Expo Eleca Room A 2900 Lake St, Kalamazoo, MI, United States

The Thunderbirds R/C Club AMA # 352 presents: Our 28th Annual R /C Model and Hobby Show Saturday, March 26 , 2022 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Location:Kalamazoo Expo, Eleca Room A 2900LakeSt KalamazooMi 49048 269-383-8778 Admission $5.00 - Children under 12 Free with an Adult Doors open at 8:00 AM for Vendors Only Free...


Toledo RC Swap Meet

Swappers, Manufacturers, and Distributors WELCOME! BIGGER AND BETTER! Over 350 Tables SOLD in 2021! This year, we will be taking up…75,000 SQ. FEET! Construction will be over!  This year, move-in will not be restricted, with MULTIPLE loading docks available on MULTIPLE days, making things easier FOR YOU! Hotels are now available for reservations! The deadline...


Flint’s RC 30th Annual Swap Meet

  Tables $20, includes 1 admission. Additional tables, $12, Admission $5, active Military & Women admitted FREE. 17 & under, $1. Starts at 9 am. Call Bill or visit website for more info. 4070 Lahring RD, Linden, MI, 48451-9471    


BARC Swap meet – Rescheduled to Saturday 6/4

Benzie Area RC Club - Thompsonville Airfield 13531 Lindy Rd, Thompsonville, MI, United States

Due to the forecasted weather, the swap meet has been moved to Saturday 6/4 instead of 6/5   BARC is having a swap meet / fun-fly at the Thompsonville airport field.   Selling off your tailgate . Flying will be on the grass strip. No food options at feild.

Jackson RC Club Swap Meet

Jackson RC Club - Pete Dillion Airfield 4221 Dalton Rd, Jackson, MI, United States

9 am until we are done. (Gates open at 8 am). No fee, sell from your tailgate or bring a table. Hotdogs and drinks at the field (donations appreciated). Pete Dillion Field - McGill at Dalton Rd Jackson MI GPS Coordinates - 42.29501N, 84.35843W


Knights of Columbus Grand Rapids 5830 Clyde Park Ave SW, Wyoming, MI, United States

Admission $5, Table reservations $15. 9 am to 1 pm. Vendor setup 8:30 Contact Jim for additional information. Phone: (517)740-2474, Email: JAMESL.HERRON@COMCAST.NET
