
Our Airfields

TRAMPS is very fortunate to have two airfields to fly at. The Rennie School Road field is on farmland and is, as you might expect, an open area surrounded by one crop or another during the growing season. It is a combination of grass and a geotextile surface. The Green Lake (Interlochen) field is a little more sheltered, located by the Green Lake Airport, with wooded areas nearby. It has both a watered grass and geotextile runway.

Both fields are also designated as a FRIA or a RIDE (remote ID not required).


Our Field Rules are available for review by clicking the following button.


If you are interested in RC modeling please don’t hesitate to contact us or visit one of our airfields. Visitors are welcome! Likely times to catch pilots at the field are Monday and Wednesday mornings at Rennie, Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Interlochen, and at either airfield on Saturday and Sunday mornings. And be sure to check out our Learn to Fly program on Tuesday evenings at Rennie, where you can receive flight instruction using one of our trainer airplanes.

Rennie School Rd

Our Rennie School Road Field is located 6 miles south of downtown Traverse City, or 1 mile north of the M-37 and US-31 intersection, and 1/2 mile west of US-31/M-37. The airfield features a 475′ x 100′ east-west runway, with a partial geotextile runway, and a 430′ x 100′ north-south runway.

Flying site is a FAA-Recognized Identification Area (FRIA; remote ID not required).

Rennie Airfield Entrance

Rennie Airfield Overhead View

Green Lake (Interlochen)

Our Green Lake (Interlochen) Field is located about 10 minutes from our Rennie School Rd Field, south of Interlochen, and just east of Karlin Rd on Youker Rd. It’s situated at the south end of Green Lake Airport, has both a watered grass and geotextile field, and is an awesome place to fly RC aircraft.

Flying site has a Remote ID Exemption (RIDE) from FAA (remote ID not required).

Interlochen Field Entrance

Interlochen Field Overhead View